Monday, December 14, 2015

Unexpected Places

(I wrote this yesterday as I traveled)
Unexpected places. Most of us have found ourselves at some point in an unexpected place or facing unexpected news. In the last 72 hours my family has embarked on an unexpected journey which has drawn me to the story of Mary and Joseph in new ways.

Mary and Joseph were a 'normal' couple dreaming of getting married, starting a family, running a carpenters shop but all of that changed in a moment with a very unexpected visit and message from Gabriel. Although the message was Good News for mankind, it was certainly unexpected and life altering news for Mary and Joseph. It led them on a very unexpected journey. One that neither of them could have ever dreamed of and maybe one that had they known all that would be required may have caused them to ask Gabriel for some time to think about it. Thankfully their faith was up to the test. When asked to trust God with the impossible and the unexpected they said YES! When faced with disapproving stares, looks, rumors they continued to trust God.

Their journey continued to take unexpected turns as a pregnant Mary found herself traveling to Bethlehem and giving birth in a stable far from family and friends. Was she scared? What all did she ponder as she nursed and cared for the Savior of the world? Joseph is often overlooked in the Christmas story yet his faith was such that he willingly joined this unexpected journey. He must have felt the weight of caring for and protecting Mary and this special baby. I tend to overlook those fears and anxious moments, even miss their hopes and dreams and rush forward to the fact that this baby was the Savior of all mankind and skip to the 'Good tidings of great joy' of which the angels sang. And yet they chose to trust God in the pain, the fear and in the joys of raising Jesus. They trusted Him with the unexpected and the seemingly impossible.

While it is impossible to really know what it was like for them, I do identify with seeking to trust God with the unexpected and the impossible. No, an angel didn't bring me a message but I did receive a phone call that changed everything and leaves me trusting Jesus with the seemingly impossible. I unexpectedly find myself on a journey, not on a donkey headed to Bethlehem but on a plane headed to KY to be with my parents as my Mom faces major surgery early tomorrow to remove a likely malignant nodule on her lung. I find myself like Mary traveling a road I did not expect, having no real idea what the days ahead will hold for me or my family.  I find myself facing anxious thoughts and asking big questions, praying that we will faithfully walk through these days.

But while only Mary knows what it is like to carry the Son of God, His presence has been very real and very close these last few days. We have sensed his presence and provision as we have had to process this news and quickly make plans during a very busy time of year.  Jesus made it possible for me to change my ticket to fly home early.  He provided fellow staff members who willingly stepped in to help cover my classes. He provided clarity of mind to wrap up things quickly and pack. And I know he will continue to provide and be present!

Although we have no idea what tomorrow and the days after it will hold, we know and trust in the One who holds all of our tomorrows. It feels unexpected and impossible but as the Christmas story reminds us so clearly: 'nothing is impossible with God.' And while our journey like Mary and Joseph's may include pain, fear and joy, we trust the One who willingly entered our upside down world knowing full well that the cross was part of that plan. 

So today we chose to trust Him on this unexpected journey because Christmas proves that He is trustworthy and best of all He is Immanuel! He is with us in all the unexpected moments of life!

1 comment:

  1. Merci pour ce beau partage Anna, mais nos coeurs sont touchés par la nouvelle pour ta maman. Nous n'avons jamais oublié tes parents... comment le pourrions-nous, nous avons passé tant de merveilleux moments avec eux, avec vous. Les études bibliques de base avec Stanley, les versets appris et qui sont toujours gravés dans nos mémoires ... Nos premiers pas avec le Seigneur c'était avec eux !
    Nous prions pour vous et plus particulièrement pour Katy. Que le Seigneur conduise toutes choses, qu'Il vous encourage et fortifie vos coeurs.
    Embrasse tes parents pour nous et dis-leur qu'ils sont toujours dans nos coeurs.
